Wolverine has been working on himself

Answers for Globle, Chronogram, and Metazooa from Dec 25 - Dec 31

The Trainwreck Labs Newsletter

Coming to your inbox every Monday with educational fun-facts and all the answers to Trainwreck Labs games from the past week.

This week, we have…

  • A fun fact inspired by a recent Fictogram guest

  • Answers to last week's games

  • A Metazooa/Metaflora update

Fun Fact: Wolverine has been working on himself

Wolverine writing in his journal as a part of his self-improvement journal! Image (and most of the blurb) generated (haphazardly) by DALL-E.

As we usher in the year 2024, it marks a time for setting ambitious goals and envisioning significant personal transformations. In the realm of comic book heroes, one iconic character embodies the essence of change: Fictogram Guest #37, aka Wolverine. Initially emerging as a secondary character in a Hulk comic, Wolverine's journey has been nothing short of remarkable. He transitioned from a supporting role to become a central figure in the X-Men series, eventually stepping into the spotlight with his own blockbuster movies. His evolution continued, with a notable change where his trademark claws, once part of his gloves, became an integral part of his anatomy, reflecting the deepening of his backstory.

Interestingly, one thing that hasn’t changed about Wolverine is his face: throughout the live-action adaptations, Hugh Jackman has been the singular actor to portray Wolverine. Pretty impressive since X-Men came out almost a quarter of a century ago, and we’ve had no fewer than 3 Spider-men in that time.

As Wolverine prepares for his latest return in the much-anticipated Deadpool 3, we are left pondering: Where will 2024 take this legendary character? And equally importantly, where will it take each of us in our personal journeys?

Answers to last week's games

Monday, December 11 to Sunday, December 17.


  • Dec 25 Palestine

  • Dec 26 Thailand

  • Dec 27 Solomon Is.

  • Dec 28 Japan

  • Dec 29 Somalia

  • Dec 30 Nepal

  • Dec 31 Algeria

  • Jan 1 Play now!

Globle: Capitals

  • Dec 25 Freetown

  • Dec 26 Managua

  • Dec 27 Andorra la Vella

  • Dec 28 Praia

  • Dec 29 Damascus

  • Dec 30 Kinshasa

  • Dec 31 Castries

  • Jan 1 Play now!


  • #268 Walt Disney

  • #269 Howard Hughes

  • #270 James Cook

  • #271 Emily Brontë

  • #272 Saladin

  • #273 Louis Pasteur

  • #274 Ovid

  • #275 Play now!


  • #36 Tyler Durden

  • #37 Wolverine

  • #38 Peter Pan

  • #39 Captain Jack Harkness

  • #40 Nurse Ratched

  • #41 Opus the Penguin

  • #42 Big Brother

  • #43 Play now!


  • #147 Seal

  • #148 Orangutan

  • #149 Pillbug

  • #150 Orca

  • #151 Brain coral

  • #152 Lynx

  • #153 Cockatiel

  • #154 Play now!


  • #86 Walnut

  • #87 Pomegranate

  • #88 Black mustard

  • #89 Sweet potato

  • #90 Mandarin

  • #91 Peach

  • #92 Cucumber

  • #93 Play now!


"Madame Henri François Riesener" by Eugène Delacroix

Forgery of week, from Dec 30
86.4% Accurate

Play Forgeous for Jan 1.

Delacroix, Eugène. "Madame Henri François Riesener (Félicité Longrois, 1786–1847)." 1835. Oil paint on canvas, 74.3 x 60.3 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, accession no. 436179. Wikimedia Commons, Q19911860.

Game Update

Metazooa and Metaflora are open for translations! If you would like to play either game in another language, please consider contributing a translation to the game!

Instructions for adding translations are on GitHub: metazooa-translations

Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year!

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