TIL: Sudan has more pyramids than any other country in the world, but not a Bass Pro Shop pyramid

Answers for Globle, Chronogram, and Metazooa from Nov 13 - Nov 19

The Trainwreck Labs Newsletter

Coming to your inbox every Monday with educational fun-facts and all the answers to Trainwreck Labs games from the past week.

This week, we have…

  • A fun fact provided by Trainwreck Labs players

  • Answers to last week's games


  • Game updates

  • Player showcase

TIL: Sudan has more pyramids than any other country in the world, but not a Bass Pro Shop pyramid

A desert landscape featuring a variety of pyramids, including one that resembles the modern Bass Pro Shop Pyramid. Image generated by DALL-E.

The African country Sudan has between 200 to 255 known pyramids, surpassing Egypt's count of 138. These Sudanese pyramids were constructed by the Kingdom of Kush, an ancient civilisation that thrived along the Nile from 1070 BC to 350 AD. The Kushite pyramids, used like the Egyptians' for entombing the dead, are steeper, narrower, and built from stepped stones, unlike the smooth, wider Egyptian pyramids. The ancient city of Meroë in Sudan is a significant site, containing about 200 of these pyramids, indicating its historical importance as a metropolis. Researchers, using modern methods like drone scanning, are actively exploring these pyramids to understand more about their construction and the Kushite society. Unlike the picture above, however, the pyramids of Sudan do not include a Bass Pro Shop pyramid. That honour only belongs to Memphis, Tennessee, USA.

This fun fact was provided by players in the Trainwreck Labs Discord server.

Hrala, Josh. "Egypt Isn't The Country With The Most Pyramids." ScienceAlert, 23 November 2016, https://www.sciencealert.com/sorry-egypt-but-sudan-is-the-pyramid-capital-of-the-world 

Answers to last week's games

Monday, November 13 to Sunday, November 19.


  • Nov 13 North Macedonia

  • Nov 14 Oman

  • Nov 15 Barbados

  • Nov 16 Chile

  • Nov 17 Angola

  • Nov 18 Slovakia

  • Nov 19 Antigua and Barb.

  • Nov 20 Play now!

Globle: Capitals

  • Nov 13 Tehran

  • Nov 14 Nicosia

  • Nov 15 Bissau

  • Nov 16 Conakry

  • Nov 17 Luanda

  • Nov 18 Copenhagen

  • Nov 19 Andorra la Vella

  • Nov 13 Play now!


  • #226 John Keats

  • #227 Helen Keller

  • #228 John Locke

  • #229 Vladimir Nabokov

  • #230 Constantine the Great

  • #231 Niels Bohr

  • #232 Paul Cézanne

  • #233 Play now!


  • #105 Manatee

  • #106 Mosquito

  • #107 Wolverine

  • #108 Rhinoceros

  • #109 Viper

  • #110 Finch

  • #111 Polar bear

  • #112 Play now!


  • #44 Guava

  • #45 Senna

  • #46 Spelt

  • #47 Hazelnut

  • #48 Basil

  • #49 Black mustard

  • #50 Jasmine

  • #51 Play now!


"Henri Fantin-Latour" by Carolus-Duran

Forgery of week, from Nov 16
98.1% Accurate

Play Forgeous for Nov 20.

Carolus-Duran (Charles-Auguste-Emile Durant). "Henri Fantin-Latour (1836–1904)." 1861. Oil on canvas. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Purchase, Marisa I. Alonso Bequest and Elizabeth and Thomas Easton Gift, in memory of their mother, Joan K. Easton, 2014. Accession Number: 2014.608. Retrieved from https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/669033

New Game Announcement

Attention all Chronogram lovers! Chronogram for fictional characters is almost ready for user testing. If you want to be a part of the beta test, respond to this email to let me know.

Game Updates

I promised that Discord login would be available to Globle players this week, but the roll-out with Globle: Capitals had a minor bug, so I decided to hold off while that got fixed. The bug in question caused some players’ scores and streak to be artificially increased. If this happened to your Globle: Capitals stats, reply to this email to let me know and I’ll get that fixed for you. I’m going to try again with Discord logins for Globle this week, as well as an update to the Meta games to reduce answer repeats. Check out next week’s newsletter for details!

Player Showcase

Players were asked to help come up with a name for Chronogram for fictional characters, and there were some great suggestions! Some of my faves were:

  • Fictogram (fiction + telegram)

  • Entegram (entertainment + telegram)

  • Fictsimle (fiction + facsimile)

  • Allegoriquy (allegory + colloquy)

  • Fictoquery (fiction + query)

  • CharactIM (character + instant message)

  • Fictionary (fiction + dictionary)

Right now, “Fictogram” is the winner simply because it’s the most like Chronogram, but there’s still time to change it. If you want to cast a vote or offer a new alternative, reply to this email to let me know!


Would you like to be a sponsor of the Trainwreck Labs newsletter? Reply to this email and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the rest of your week!