Morocco has more Moors than Mauritania

Answers for Globle, Chronogram, and Metazooa from June 10 - June 16

The Trainwreck Labs Newsletter

Coming to your inbox every Monday with educational fun-facts and all the answers to Trainwreck Labs games from the past week.

This week, we have…

  • Newsletter sponsors

  • A fun fact inspired by a recent Globle answer

  • Answers to last week's games


Morocco has more Moors than Mauritania

The board game Othello has little to do with the Shakespeare’s Moor of the same name, and even less to do with Mauritanians. Image generated by DALL-E.

There are many countries on Earth that can be said to have misleading names. Iceland is perpetually on fire because of active volcanos. Germany calls itself Deutschland, but we think of Dutch people as those from the Netherlands. However, this is not a purely European phenomenon. Go a bit farther south and you will find Globle answer for June 15: Mauritania.

The name originally comes from the Roman province Mauretania. Mauri was the Latin name for the Berber people, an ethnic group that spans much of northern Africa including modern day Mauritania. The word Mauri has evolved into another antiquated, but still sometimes relevant word: Moor.

In medieval times, the meaning of Moor expanded to include all the Muslim people of North Africa and Southern Europe. Back then, our relationship with race wasn’t the same that it is today, but it can be inferred from old texts that the word had a racial connotation. For the Shakespeare fans that enjoyed last week’s newsletter, they can find this theme explored in the play Othello, more formally known as The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice.

Today, the word Moor has more in common with the Roman meaning than the medieval one, but that comes with a bit of irony. The Roman province Mauretania was actually farther north, and overlapped with Morocco, another country whose name is derived from “Moor”. Morocco also has a much higher population of ethnic Moors. Conversely, the island nation Mauritius does not get its name not from the word Moor, but rather from the name Maurice.

Mauritania is, by many measures, not an easy place to live. It is one of the few countries where a slave trade is still active and atheism is punishable by death. However, things may be turning around: they recently had their first democratic, peaceful transfer of power. Hopefully that was the first of many, because when it comes to democracies there’s only one thing to say: the Moor the merrier!

Answers to last week's games

Monday, June 10 to Sunday, June 16.


  • Jun 10 Uruguay

  • Jun 11 Guinea-Bissau

  • Jun 12 Zimbabwe

  • Jun 13 North Korea

  • Jun 14 Seychelles

  • Jun 15 Mauritania

  • Jun 16 Indonesia

  • Jun 17 Play now!

Globle: Capitals

  • Jun 10 Caracas

  • Jun 11 Sofia

  • Jun 12 Saint John's

  • Jun 13 Dakar

  • Jun 14 Paramaribo

  • Jun 15 Libreville

  • Jun 16 Amsterdam

  • Jun 17 Play now!


  • #436 Frank Lloyd Wright

  • #437 Nicholas II

  • #438 John van der Neumann

  • #439 Antonio Vivaldi

  • #440 Eleanor Roosevelt

  • #441 Enrico Fermi

  • #442 Walt Whitman

  • #443 Play now!


  • #204 Andy Capp

  • #205 Forrest Gump

  • #206 Falstaff

  • #207 Tony Soprano

  • #208 Gordon Gekko

  • #209 Olive Oyl

  • #210 Frankie Addams

  • #211 Play now!


  • #315 red fox

  • #316 anemone

  • #317 hedgehog

  • #318 camel

  • #319 goose

  • #320 termite

  • #321 weasel

  • #322 Play now!


  • #254 wasabi

  • #255 daffodil

  • #256 agave

  • #257 mango

  • #258 banana

  • #259 violet

  • #260 mango

  • #261 Play now!


The following are the shortest paths from last week:

  • #119 software -> users -> everybody

  • #120 lesson -> knowledge -> possession -> possessive -> mine

  • #121 arm -> armed -> security -> privacy

  • #122 stock -> supply -> provide -> imply -> implication

  • #123 narrow -> expansive -> imaginative -> fiction

  • #124 someone -> artist -> canvas -> surface

  • #125 journalist -> helper -> extra -> add

  • #126 Play now!


"Nude with Flowering Branch" by Gustave Courbet

Forgery of the week, from June 15
94% accurate

Courbet, Gustave. Nude with Flowering Branch. 1863. Oil on canvas, 74.9 cm x 61 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The MET,

Play Forgeous for June 17.

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading!

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