Gazelles are poetry in motion

Answers for Globle, Chronogram, and Metazooa from May 27 - June 2

The Trainwreck Labs Newsletter

Coming to your inbox every Monday with educational fun-facts and all the answers to Trainwreck Labs games from the past week.

This week, we have…

  • A fun fact inspired by a recent Metazooa answer

  • Answers to last week's games

  • New game from the creator of Worldle

Gazelles are poetry in motion

There is no record of a ghazal ever being written by an actual gazelle. Image generated by DALL-E.

Scholars can trace the origin of one of the world’s most enduring forms of poetry to the 6th century Umayyad court, in Damascus, Syria. From its medieval Arabic roots to modern day, the ghazal continues to thrive due to its incredible adaptability, just like the animal who takes its name.

The gazelle (Metazooa answer #303) is not as fast as its biggest predator the African cheetah, but it can outlast and outmaneuver its feisty attacker. With amazing elastic recoil, gazelles can change direction on a dime. While it is true that cheetahs are capable of speeds upwards of 68mph, they cannot maintain this pace for very long. In fact, they burn out after just 400 meters, whereas the gazelle can sustain its max speed of 50mph for more than 3 miles! And, all of this with the uncanny ability to spontaneously recoil and change direction.

Just like the ghazal poets singing of loss and romantic love, gazelles seem to lament the loss of serenity. In the immediate rush and panic to survive, they go into full survival mode, literally rewriting their destiny in every step and decision. The sand gazelles of Saudi Arabia even have the ability to shrink their hearts to reduce their dependence on oxygen. They breathe less, like a suffering lover—lost in his passion, jilted, erratic, recoiling from visions so passionate and divine of a beloved they know they can never betroth. And, like the ghazal being sung by the poet, the gazelle reminds us all that you can’t always have what your heart desires.

Answers to last week's games

Monday, May 27 to Sunday, June 2.


  • May 27 São Tomé and Príncipe

  • May 28 Uzbekistan

  • May 29 Belarus

  • May 30 Laos

  • May 31 Iraq

  • Jun 1 Djibouti

  • Jun 2 Kazakhstan

  • Jun 3 Play now!

Globle: Capitals

  • May 27 Port au Prince

  • May 28 Ottawa

  • May 29 Lima

  • May 30 Kingstown

  • May 31 Rome

  • Jun 1 Harare

  • Jun 2 Brasilia

  • Jun 3 Play now!


  • #422 Nikita Khrushchev

  • #423 René Descartes

  • #424 George Bernard Shaw

  • #425 Malcolm X

  • #426 Augustine of Hippo

  • #427 James Dean

  • #428 Aaron Burr

  • #429 Play now!


  • #190 Opus the Penguin

  • #191 Mikasa Ackerman

  • #192 Luigi

  • #193 Kunta Kinte

  • #194 Lex Luthor

  • #195 Macbeth

  • #196 Azula

  • #197 Play now!


  • #301 gecko

  • #302 millipede

  • #303 gazelle

  • #304 pillbug

  • #305 seahorse

  • #306 red panda

  • #307 ocelot

  • #308 Play now!


  • #240 rose

  • #241 pumpkin

  • #242 blueberry

  • #243 hop

  • #244 macadamia nut

  • #245 magnolia

  • #246 cedar of lebanon

  • #247 Play now!


The following are the shortest paths from last week:

  • #105 brother -> sibling -> identical -> difference -> between

  • #106 frame -> framing -> making -> contributing -> contribute

  • #107 disease -> die -> ultimately -> essentially

  • #108 access -> authorization -> immigration -> flag

  • #109 stroke -> neurologist -> consultant

  • #110 middle -> bottom -> least -> never

  • #111 twenty -> one -> multiple -> multifaceted -> complicated

  • #112 Play now!


"Madame Bergeret de Frouville as Diana" by Jean-Marc Nattier

Forgery of week, from May 31
78% accurate

Nattier, Jean-Marc. Madame Bergeret de Frouville as Diana. 1756, oil paint on canvas, 136.5 x 105.1 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the_met_id: 437183, 110001631.

Play Forgeous for June 3.

Check out a new game from the creator of Worldle!

There is plenty of overlap between lovers of Globle and lovers of Worldle, the other amazing daily geography game. Now, from the Worldle creator’s Pink Bean Studio, comes a brand new history game: Timeswipe! Chronogram players, check it out!

Timeswipe is the new game from Pink Bean Studio!

If you want your game to be featured in the TWL newsletter, respond to this email and let me know!

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading!

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